# Performance of Prediction Library ## Result We compare the prediction performance of HyperPose with [OpenPose 1.6](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose) and [TF-Pose](https://github.com/ildoonet/tf-pose-estimation). We implement the OpenPose algorithms with different configurations in HyperPose. The test-bed has Ubuntu18.04, 1070Ti GPU, Intel i7 CPU (12 logic cores). | HyperPose Configuration | DNN Size | Input Size | HyperPose | Baseline | | --------------- | ------------- | ------------------ | ------------------ | --------------------- | | OpenPose (VGG) | 209.3MB | 656 x 368 | **27.32 FPS** | 8 FPS (OpenPose) | | OpenPose (TinyVGG) | 34.7 MB | 384 x 256 | **124.925 FPS** | N/A | | OpenPose (MobileNet) | 17.9 MB | 432 x 368 | **84.32 FPS** | 8.5 FPS (TF-Pose) | | OpenPose (ResNet18) | 45.0 MB | 432 x 368 | **62.52 FPS** | N/A | | OpenPifPaf (ResNet50) | 97.6 MB | 97 x 129 | **178.6 FPS** | 35.3 | > **Environment**: System@Ubuntu18.04, GPU@1070Ti, CPU@i7(12 logic cores). > > **Tested Video Source**: Crazy Updown Funk(resolution@640x360, frame_count@7458, source@[YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DiQUX11YaY)) > OpenPose performance is not tested with batch processing as it seems not to be implemented. (see [here](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/issues/100))